Master of Christian Studies (M. C. S)
Master of Christian Studies (M. C. S.) is a post-B.C.S/B.D program, primarily meant for laity and Christian ministers who wish to continue theological studies through extension programs. It is designed to provide Christian professionals, Church workers and laity with in-depth theological knowledge to facilitate effective leadership in the Church and society. It is a post graduate professional degree course for the laity who cannot enroll for a postgraduate regular course like M. Th. MCS is not equivalent to M. Th, and neither will be accepted for teaching in theological Seminaries. M. C. S. is a two-year program in which first is foundational and in the second year a student will choose his or her area of specialisation. Thesis writing will also be done in the second year.
The objectives of the programme are:
- To provide an opportunity for ongoing learning for spiritual (Both individual and communitarian) and vocational growth of the candidate within his/her context;
- To develop necessary skills and tools to understand and interpret the socio-political, religio-cultural context of the Church and society and to identify the issues of the times;
- To equip the candidate for rendering services to the Church and society through a particular ministry of his/her choice.
- To provide an opportunity to bring about an ongoing integration of theological understanding and practical ministry in varied contexts.
Admission Requirements for the MCS degree
A candidate at the time of admission to M. C. S. degree course must satisfy one of the following conditions:
- At the time of registration, a candidate should have passed BCS, B.D or any degree equivalent to BCS from a university recognized by the Senate of Serampore College. The candidate should have a minimum of one-year ministerial experience after BCS or B. D.
- Senate B.Th with a minimum of five years of ministerial work experience after B.Th degree.
- M.Div from A.T.A. with minimum H.S.C. or its equivalent and passed in 4 qualifying papers under the Senate of Serampore College.
Registration for the Course
- Application for registration must be done online from the Senate Website. The last date for registration is 31st October. The hard copy of the filled-up form must be sent to Dean, SCEPTRE, along with the necessary documents. The last date for receiving the hard copy of the form is 6th November and with a late fee 15th November. An applicant must provide.
- attested copies of academic certificates or certified copies of academic transcripts
- certificate of birth or other acceptable evidence of the date of birth
- a satisfactory certificate of character from his/her appropriate church authorities
- any additional information and references that may be considered desirable in support of his/her application
- the registration fee must be paid online or by Demand Draft drawn in favor of “Senate of Serampore College” payable at Kolkata and sent to reach the Dean, SCEPTRE on or before the prescribed date
- Registration of students pursuing an academic programme in other universities/institutions shall be cancelled
Migration Certificate
All students registering for Serampore courses are expected to submit migration/school leaving certificate General rules followed are as follows:
- A declaration from all the students who hold a degree from secular institutions that they will not register themselves for any other degree/diploma course with any secular institution/university shall be obtained and submitted to the Senate along with the registration from.
- Any student violating this rule shall be liable for disciplinary action amounting to nullifying of Serampore degree of the student
- Candidate who lost certificate and require duplicate certificates be required to submit an affidavit signed by a judicial magistrate to that effect and
- No duplicate migration certificate shall be issued
Extension Studies
The M.C.S. degree course is available for extension (non-residential) study only through SCEPTRE and colleges affiliated with the Senate of Serampore College (University), if so permitted.
Medium of Instruction
The medium of study and examination for the degree course is English or any regional language as approved by the Senate
Duration of Study
Minimum time to complete the course shall be two years, and the maximum shall be four years from the time of registration
Mode of Study
Senate will provide the detailed syllabus for the course. SCEPTRE will conduct Contact Seminar for all the direct registered students, and it is mandatory for the student to attend the Seminar. SCEPTRE will organise Contact Seminar and students are mandated to attend the Seminar.
Scheme for the Courses at the MCS Level
I Year Foundation Courses (Six papers) II Year Courses for specialization (four papers plus Thesis/additional two papers). Student can choose one Area for specialization.
A candidate may be permitted to write a thesis for the completion of the required courses. He/she should submit the thesis proposal on a prescribed form for approval before the end of the first year as per the conditions laid down under Part III: Curriculum. A candidate may permitted to write 2 papers (8 credit courses) in lieu of a thesis.
Plagiarism (copying, illegal use of others work, breach of copyright, etc.)
Independent research and writing play a vital part in the course requirements, examinations, thesis and project. Students, therefore, should be aware of the strong sanctions against plagiarism. If proven, a charge of plagiarism could result in an automatic F in the course and possible expulsion/cancellation of registration. If anyone has any questions or doubts about what plagiarism entails or how to properly acknowledge source materials and the works of others, be sure to consult the faculty concerned
Academic System
Academic session for M.C.S. will be from January to December
Examinations will be held in November-December
February to September is left for contact seminars
Examination and Evaluation
The Senate conducts examinations and evaluations as per procedures and rules laid down by the Senate.
- All the Foundational Courses will be examined by the Senate of Serampore College, and all the Specialised Courses will be examined by the College. The Thesis will be examined by the Senate, whereas the affiliated Colleges will examine two papers in lieu of the Thesis, and there should be two examiners. For direct Senate registered students, all papers, including the Thesis, will be examined by Senate.
- Examinations will be conducted by the Senate of Serampore College in the month of November/December each year
- Each paper, unless otherwise stated is of three hours’ duration and covers the subject matter indicated in the syllabus
- Maximum marks for each paper shall be 100
- The examination fee, as indicated below, should also be sent to the Registrar, Senate of Serampore College on or before the prescribed date.
- After registration, application for admission to the examination must be made on the appropriate form obtainable from the Registrar and should reach the same on or before the time prescribed by the Senate. The examination fee, as indicated below, should also be sent to the Registrar, Senate of Serampore College on or before the prescribed date
- All the examinations for the M.C.S. degree shall normally be evaluated by two examiners. The Senate will not entertain requests for re-evaluation of any script and/or permit an examination for improvement of grade
- A candidate should give an undertaking at the time of registration that he/she will abide by all the rules and regulations of the Senate of Serampore College as applicable to the M.C.S. degree including the decisions of the Senate and its Academic Council
- A candidate for the M.C.S. degree will normally appears for the course examination each year according to the sequence given.
- A candidate may appear for any referred paper in addition to the papers studied
- Centre for Examination
Serampore College, SCEPTRE, Affiliated Colleges, and Senate Examination Centre (if they have permission) are the Examination Centres. A candidate must obtain the prior consent of the Principal/in-charge, the prescribed fee, and submit it along with his/her Examination Entry Form to the Registrar.
Pass and failure in examination
A candidate who fails in any paper or papers is regarded as being “referred” in such paper or papers, and is permitted to offer himself/herself for re-examination in that paper or those papers, or in any other paper or papers that may be substituted in accordance with the Regulations, provided that he/she is able to complete the requirements of the degree within the time allowed. Any change in the papers already taken but referred must be applied at the time of filling up the examinations entry form
Standard of pass and class
The pass mark on each paper in the examination for MCS Degree course is 40% or C-.
The final grading of candidates will be as follows:
First Class
Second Class
Third Class
A+ (80% and above)
B+ (65%)
C+ (50%)
D (30%)
A (75%)
B (60%)
C (45%)
E (20%)
B- (55%)
C- (40%)
F (10%)