Fees-Dip C.T

Diploma in Contextual Theology

Diploma in Contextual Theologies (Dip. C. T) – one year
SCEPTRE, Kolkata Fees
One Time Fees
i Application Fee: 750/- (Only for external students)
ii Regulation & Syllabus Fee: 500/- (For both external students & colleges)
iii Registration Fee: 750/- (For both external students & colleges)
iv Transcript Fee: 350/- (For both external students & colleges)
v Late Registration: 200/- (For both external students & colleges)
vi Assignment Fee: 5000/-
vii Extension of Time Fee: 1000/-
Every year compulsory
Contact Seminar: Once
i Contact Seminar Fee: 3000/-
ii Late Fee: 500/-
Senate, Serampore Fees
One Time Fees
i Migration/Equivalent Certificate Fee: 300/-
ii Provisional Certificate Fee: 500/-
iii In-absentia Fee: 850/-
iv Duplicate Degree Certificate Fee: 2500/-
v Urgent Delivery Fee for document: 200/-
Every year Fees
i Exam Fee per paper: 350/-
ii Mark Fee: 250/-
iii Council Fee: 100/-
iv Late Exam Fee: 400/-
Note Fee once paid is not refundable
* Due date for Contact Seminar Fee will be the last day of the seminar and Late Fee will be charged after Contact Seminar every year