Contact Seminar

As per the regulations, SCEPTRE shall arrange Contact Seminar once a year before the examinations. It is mandatory that all the direct Senate registered students attend Contact Seminar and pay the Seminar fee. Non-attendance of the first year Contact Seminar may lead to cancellation of registration. The affiliated College will arrange Contact Seminar/Class at their convenience, and give a report of their Seminar/Class to the Dean, SCEPTRE. If they need the help of SCEPTRE, they may inform the Dean of SCEPTRE. A certificate will be issued at the end of the Contact Seminar, which will be used as proof for attending the Contact Seminar. The Contact Seminar may be organized in different regional languages for Dip.CS and BCS as per convenience. However, for MCS Contact Seminar will be organized only in English.

Contact Seminar Fee has to be paid before the end of a Contact Seminar. The amount as of now is: Dip.CS – Rs. 3000/-; BCS – Rs. 6000/- and MCS – Rs. 7000/-.